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Meta Seeks AI Expert to Revolutionize Metaverse with $347K Salary Amid Brazilian Regulatory Setback

Meta seeks an AI expert to drive its metaverse vision with a $347K salary while facing a regulatory ban in Brazil on using personal data to train AI models.

Meta, the social media giant, is on the lookout for an expert to lead its AI metaverse initiatives, offering a lucrative salary of $347,000. This move comes as the company aims to create groundbreaking gameplay experiences with generative AI technology. However, Meta's ambitions face a challenge as Brazilian regulators have barred the company from using personal data from Brazilian users to train its AI models.

Meta logo representing the company's focus on AI-driven metaverse expansion.
Meta logo illustrating the company's ambitious AI and metaverse projects.

Key Points:

Generative AI in Metaverse: * Meta aims to integrate generative AI with virtual, augmented, and mixed-reality games.

  • The goal is to create "non-deterministic, personalized" gaming experiences. High-Paying AI Role:

  • The position offers a $347,000 annual salary, plus bonuses, equity, and benefits.

  • The role will initially focus on Meta's Reality Labs division and the Horizon ecosystem.

AI Tools for Content Creation: * The AI expert will develop tools to speed up content creation on Meta's platforms.

  • These tools are expected to innovate new paradigms in content creation.

Financial Investments:

  • Meta has invested billions into its metaverse division, despite a $3.8 billion loss in Q1 2023.

  • CEO Mark Zuckerberg emphasizes continued investment in AI within Reality Labs.

Regulatory Challenges in Brazil:

  • Brazil’s National Data Protection Authority banned Meta from using Brazilian data to train AI.

  • Noncompliance could result in a fine of 50,000 Brazilian real ($8,800) per day.

  • Meta expressed disappointment, citing potential delays in AI benefits for Brazilian users.

Meta's search for an AI expert to drive its metaverse vision highlights its commitment to leading the industry in generative AI and virtual reality experiences. Despite regulatory hurdles in Brazil, Meta continues to push forward with significant investments in AI and the metaverse, signaling its determination to innovate and transform digital interactions.

+34 69026537

Calle La Luna 2, Estepona, Malaga

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