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Romania Recycling Target Surpassed: 200 Million Packages Collected in May

Minister of Environment Announces Recycling Milestone

Romania's recycling efforts are on the rise! Minister of Environment, Water and Forests, Mircea Fechet, has announced a significant achievement: the collection of over 200 million SGR (Sistemul Garanție Returnare) packages in May, exceeding the

"I promised we would leave a cleaner Romania than we found, and that's exactly what's happening," Fechet stated. "The figures are already impressive: over 160 million packages collected in April means 160 million fewer PET bottles ending up in landfills, riverbeds, forests, or nature in general. When I was informed that we had collected nearly 10 million packages on May 7th, I couldn't help but be delighted. And on this occasion, I'd like to make a prediction: I'm confident that in May, we will surpass the barrier of 200 million packages collected in a single month. Just as I expect the system to grow every day, beyond a cleaner environment," Fechet declared.

The SGR initiative, implemented by the Ministry of Environment, has "changed the lives of each of us," Fechet emphasized.

SGR: A Success Story in Recycling

SGR, Romania's Return Guarantee System, is a remarkable success story in promoting recycling and reducing environmental impact. The system operates by charging a small fee on beverage containers, which is then refunded when consumers return the empty packaging to designated collection points. This incentivizes recycling and ensures that valuable materials are recovered and reused.

The Benefits of Recycling

Recycling offers a multitude of benefits, including:

  • Environmental Protection: Recycling reduces waste sent to landfills, conserving natural resources and minimizing pollution.

  • Energy Conservation: Recycling processes often require less energy than manufacturing new products from raw materials.

  • Economic Advantages: Recycling creates jobs in the recycling and manufacturing sectors, and it reduces the need to import raw materials.

Romania's Commitment to Sustainability

Romania's impressive recycling achievements demonstrate the country's commitment to sustainability and environmental protection. The SGR initiative serves as a model for other nations seeking to promote responsible waste management practices.

As Romania continues to embrace recycling and circular economy principles, it sets an example for a greener future, one where resources are conserved and the environment is protected for generations to come.

initial target.

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